Vernon AA. 24-hour direct line:
(250) 545-4933
Note: Please check back often for the latest information as received from the groups.
The following codes are used for meetings:
(C) Closed meetings are for AA members only, or for those who have a drinking problem and
"have a desire to stop drinking".
(O) Open meetings are for anyone interested in Alcoholics Anonymous' program of
recovery from alcoholism. Non-alcoholics may attend open meetings as observers.
(H) Hybrid meeting, some members attend in person and some via internet with recommended AA settings.
() Online meeting with recommended AA settings.
(WA) Wheelchair Accessible
District 70 A.A. Meeting List
Vernon, Armstrong, Cherryville and Lumby (There are currently no meetings in Coldstream or Killiney Beach.)
Daily Meetings
7:00 am - Upon Awakening Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
12:00 pm - Nooner Solutions Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
5:00 pm - Vernon Fiver Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
7:00 am - Upon Awakening Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
12:00 pm - Nooner Solutions Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
5:00 pm - Vernon Fiver Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
7:00 pm - Women in Recovery Group (C) (Women) 1204 30th Ave.
7:00 pm - Cherryville Grapevine Group (O) Richlands Adventist Church 12 Hammond Rd Cherryville
7:00 pm - Cornerstone Group (C) (Men) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
7:00 am - Upon Awakening Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
12:00 pm - Nooner Solutions Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
5:00 pm - Vernon Fiver Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
7:00 pm - Phoenix Topic Meeting (O) 2201 53rd Ave, Building 43. Access off 20th St.
7:00 pm - Big Book Online Meeting (O) Zoom ID:861 9937 7219 PW:123456
7:00 am - Upon Awakening Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
12:00 pm - Nooner Solutions Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
5:00 pm - Vernon Fiver Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
7:00 pm - Wednesday Night Lumby AA Group (O)(WA) 1962 Maple St., Lumby
7:00 am - Upon Awakening Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
12:00 pm - Nooner Solutions Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
5:00 pm - Vernon Fiver Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
7:00 pm - BYOBB Group (C) (WA) 3508 25th Ave, (rear entrance off 24th Ave )
7:00 am - Upon Awakening Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
12:00 pm - Kalamalka Group (O) (WA) 1204 30th Ave Vernon
12:00 pm - Nooner Solutions Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
5:00 pm - Vernon Fiver Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
7:00 pm - Friday Malia Group (O) (WA) 1204 30th Ave Vernon
7:00 am - Upon Awakening Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
11:00 am - Effective Mar. 1, 2025 Saturday Serenity Group (O) (WA) will meet at 3508 25th Ave,
(rear entrance off 24th Ave )
12:00 pm - Nooner Solutions Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
12:00 pm - Saturday Serenity Group (O) WE ARE MOVING! 2810 48th Ave till Feb. 22,
Effective Mar. 1, 2025 we will be meeting at 11:00 am at 3508 25th Ave, (rear
entrance off 24th Ave )
5:00 pm - Vernon Fiver Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
7:00 pm - Hospital Meeting (O, WA) Vernon Jubilee Hospital, basement education rooms. Masks are required during flu season.
7:00 pm - A Way Out Group (C) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
7:00 am - Upon Awakening Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
12:00 pm - Nooner Solutions Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
5:00 pm - Vernon Fiver Group (O) 3204 Alexis Park Drive
7:00 pm - Armstrong Pleasant Valley Group (C) (WA) United Church 2315 Pleasant Valley Blvd.